

Longing for self-deliverance in anxiety.

Haven't updated the blog for a month. Because recently very busy, extremely busy.

Grassroots Team#

The project I led is finally coming to an end after dragging on for so long.

Counting all the countless large and small projects I have participated in over the years since I started working after graduation, no matter how grand and perfect the project was in the conceptual stage, during the implementation and promotion phase, it would be a mess. The laziness of relevant departments, the procrastination of relevant personnel, the countless changes in requirements, and the shifting of responsibilities have all witnessed a project transition from healthy to pathological, deformed, and eventually operate in an unbelievable way, and no one knows when it will collapse.

Just make it work

Red Nightmare#

Mid-year has arrived, and there are more and more friends in the circle getting engaged and married. Here, I sincerely wish them a happy and blissful marriage.

Someone once said that marriage is a grand exam, testing oneself in the dating stage and testing the family (more so the parents) in the marriage stage. As this exam deepens, I increasingly understand that marriage is just two strangers' families forced to meet due to circumstances, and interests are the main characters of this feast. In the parental stage, I encountered unprecedented pressure, I couldn't breathe, although I knew it wasn't my fault, but the innate sense of entitlement and morality made me unconsciously restless.

The red sea of weddings swallows me up

June Plum Rain#

Zhejiang has entered the plum rain season, sweat sticks to the skin like cement in the humid air all day long, and the mood is as continuous as the rainy weather.

In my memory, June in my hometown is midsummer, it's scorching sun, cicadas chirping, endless ice cream to eat, and endless naps to take. The elderly in the village start their siesta early after lunch, and wake up between one and two o'clock, then have a few pieces of watermelon to moisten their throats before starting the afternoon's work. However, after coming to the south, the damp, hot, and gloomy weather in June and July really makes me uncomfortable. I suddenly feel that the crowds on the street are like fungal spores, surviving and reproducing under colorful fungal caps. I am also as damp as the moss in a mushroom forest, growing in darkness.

After the plum rain, will the mushrooms disappear?

Game World#

I've been very disillusioned recently, rejecting all social interactions, only able to find a trace of my true self in games.

  • =="Hollow Knight"==, this is the seventh time I've completed this game, the decaying sanctum and the lone knight searching for answers, amazing!
  • =="The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"==, not completed yet, not because I can't, but because I don't want to. Currently, I have rescued the four divine beasts, the next step is to aim for "Calamity Ganon". I rarely hesitate to complete a game, but the camping really shocked me, the decay of Hyrule and the core of "Hollow Knight" are very similar.
  • =="Super Mario Odyssey"==, a newly acquired cartridge, the wonderful exploration makes me forget all the troubles of work, as if I have returned to the days of playing the NES in my childhood. Every time I start it up, I shout: Super Mario Odyssey!

The hollow soul is filled in the virtual space.

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