

Heavy traffic on the first day back to work after the New Year - February 23, 2024 - Friday

When I woke up on Friday morning, I saw a layer of white frost on the roofs of the cars outside, like snow but not snow. Later, I checked the hot search in the same city and it seems to be called "hail"?

What is hail? A new term "hail" that is neither like snow nor like hail, often appears before or during snowfall. When water vapor in the high altitude encounters cold air, it condenses into small ice particles. It is nearly spherical and visually resembles hail, but unlike hail, it is brittle, easily crushed, and often bounces when it falls.

At first, I thought it was beautiful, but when I tapped on the car window before going to work, I found it to be incredibly hard!

I originally wanted to turn on the heater, sit in the car and wait for it to melt and soften so I could scrape it off with the wiper, but it melted too slowly to be of any use. At this moment, my clever self remembered that there were two bottles of sticky gel in the armrest that I had bought before to clean the dust inside the car. The lid was quite large, so I used the lid to scrape off the "hail" on the windshield (I'm not used to this word at all). The effect was really good! With a wave of my hand, it was as if a gust of wind swept through, shattering everything. After that, I sat in the car, turned on the wiper, sprayed some glass cleaner, and wiped it off. Perfect!!! How did I come up with such a clever idea 😁😁😁

Get in the car! Let's go!

Just after leaving the residential area, there was a huge traffic jam ahead. I checked the navigation and oh no, it was 3 kilometers long with an estimated travel time of 40 minutes. I had to endure about half an hour of traffic jam, and finally reached the source of the jam. Unexpectedly, there was some accumulated "hail" on both sides of the overpass, maybe because I left late, so some "hail" had already piled up on both sides. The traffic jam was caused by two traffic accidents, occupying two out of three lanes.

No wonder there was such a traffic jam!! 🤬

It was already 8:18, and if I followed the old route, I would probably arrive at the company after 8:40, but then I would miss the perfect attendance for this month. In the first month of the new year, I must set a good example, how could I be late? I looked at another route, which was clear all the way, so I decisively switched to the route I rarely took.

Thank goodness, this overpass is usually the most congested, but surprisingly there were hardly any cars today. It was smooth sailing all the way, and even after getting off the overpass, it was just two right turns to the company, haha, finally I successfully clocked in at 8:29. YES!

Lastly, I hate traffic jams!!

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